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lebehnon 26 Apr 2018

Re: TA Analysis and discussion A bit of banter hurts nobody - however there needs to be substance too. Dr M is outside the norm he is bored over trades compared to most says he gets away with it - who knows. Who cares - its up to individuals to look at the info and make their own judgements. If you blame somebody because you followed them blindly that is your problem

lebehnon 26 Apr 2018

Re: TA Analysis and discussion A bit of banter hurts nobody - however there needs to be substance too. Dr M is outside the norm he is bored over trades compared to most says he gets away with it - who knows. Who cares - its up to individuals to look at the info and make their own judgements. If you blame somebody because you followed them blindly you are the to blame

Inspection Eng 26 Apr 2018

RTHM I have been following Rhythmone ever since TW did his usual twisted half truth hatchet job on them (as blinkx). Sentiment may finally be changing some 4yrs down the line.The latest results showed evidence of a significant turnaround in profits, and it has changed the trend for the moment anyway.However it is a long time to the next set of results and in the meantime the trend may revert down on lack of news. If it doesn't I think this has big potential.Worth watching in my view.

Elviron1 26 Apr 2018

NMC looking positive for tomorrow. I rebought the dip.

soi 26 Apr 2018

Re: IQE trades 102.66 longnm...........................................105.14 closed + 2.48The poor little 1p scalpersoi

Elviron1 26 Apr 2018

Soi Indeed you yourself are an example of a successful trader, as can clearly be seen from your IQE scalps.It speaks for itself.

soi 26 Apr 2018

Re: Personal bickering Indeed agree.He did though post as Elviron has said some very petty personal insults.He is skilled with TA/chart work.Manners makes the man though.Those who do well rarely brag about it.A shame , maybe he had a bad day.On my part had no wish to upset.ATBsoi

Elviron1 26 Apr 2018

Re: Personal bickering the way Inspection, let's be clear that OneDB made some pretty rude and personal comments prior to his exit yesterday.

Elviron1 26 Apr 2018

Re: CAML - thoughts? A second test and hold of 283.75p on the hourlies would signal a viable entry for me. Still not sure if I'd take it just yet, as it's looking bearish.

penhome 26 Apr 2018

Re: Tern Yes, I think pullback and consolidation is likely. Have a look at this - particularly price moves after the weekly RSI has reached this sort of level in the past. Comments are on the chart[link]

soi 26 Apr 2018

Re: IQE trades 102.66 longnmsoi

Elviron1 26 Apr 2018

OneBD I wholeheartedly agree that OneDB is an asset to this BB. Like I said, I've always read his posts with interest, and even defended him from an attack by someone from the FRR board!So, hopefully he will back. I solely objected to the increasingly bragging nature of the posts. It's easy enough to dial that down a bit. He was getting praise enough on this board already, including from me.

Inspection Eng 26 Apr 2018

Tern LJ brought Tern to our attention a few days ago.. her timing was exquisite (perhaps this board had an impact), but mine wasn't as I wasn't on the board for a few days. Ii is now on my watchlist to see what might happen. Looks as if a bit of a retrace ought to be on the cards, but so far it is just consolidating. Any thoughts anyone?

Inspection Eng 26 Apr 2018

Personal bickering GuysUp until now this has been a great bb, just people posting ideas, raising awareness of possible entry points, shares to perhaps follow, charts to demonstrate their ideas etc.. can we please just keep it to that. There is absolutely no need for any negative personal comments of any sorts, keep any such thoughts to yourself or you will cause more to leave like 1db who I shall miss. If nothing else, lots of personal comments means any useful stuff gets lost in the trash, just look at the recent entries......ThanksJ

Elviron1 26 Apr 2018

Re: IQE trades -Soi Last word on this because you're pretty rude Max.If you think that just because you suspect a retrace, makes a share a good shorting candidate, then you need to improve your TA skills by some margin.
