Wheelzter's Posts

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14:52 22/05/2014

.55 are buys

13:57 22/05/2014

my buy 105,444... down as a sell

13:29 22/05/2014

just topped up .5435 price... not showing....

12:34 21/05/2014

never thought we'd see sub 6p again..... I must have the highest average of any holder out a load in my isa at 11.38p.... still have faith in DB but this is brutal...

12:38 09/05/2014

.1385p price paid for top up at 12.26.... not showing??

14:41 06/05/2014

thankfully got some more at .24 last week...

14:39 06/05/2014

ehem.... my avg a tad higher

14:34 06/05/2014

1.8m buy nice... .27 paid

14:00 02/05/2014

someone's just bought 1 share...

15:25 22/04/2014

my small top up down as a sell
