Trade Time Price Quantity Bid Offer Buy / Sell* Deal Value (£) Trade Type
2014-09-24 175:53 1.53 1,940,000 0.00 0.00 ? 29,585 O anyone seen this late trade?
All I can say Diamond C to try and make you feel a little better is that my average is undoubtedly far higher than yours since I bought the bulk of my holding at 11.38p... incredible I know... people talk about being spiked... that's a spike... I have averaged down at 6p and then at 4p again and can't believe they weren't the bottom really.. the accountancy error didn't help but I still have faith in the company the feedback from the AGM was good.. DB seems to think we have a good chance of pulling off a contract or two that would dwarf the Mitie one... there was a mention of only 1.5 people working the Quality department being a weakness I actually see it as a strength as having worked as a Quality Manager most companies don't do designated staff for this role rather they bolt it on to HR or some other department.. give it time and i believe this will come good if you need funds before October then maybe cash out but if not then I'd say it's a rip roaring hold/top up if funds allow and wait for the tide to turn which should be any day/week/month but it will happen imo....
wow...... so glad I'm in this and have stuck... top slice maybe but only when selling 10% of my shares will get me a Tesla.... Lithium is the future... neighbour just had a Electric car charge point fitted by British Gas... it coming and anyone in here now will hopefully be doing the same if they can just hold their shares.... or buy more... I'm topped to the hilt last at 1.722 on the way down was scary wonder how it'll feel when we are at 3/4/5p? I believe it's when not if.... so sticking here... tick tock
Sorry wrong board... meant for BMN... hold here too... looks like more pain before the gain here....
I've held for ages and almost back at break even... think after all the pain, averaging down etc I'd be foolish to sell out now when for once it seems we're on the up!
Surely REM has a case against this site for causing the fall by publishing inaccurate information or can they blame this on incompetence or a mistake and get away scot free?