wev's Posts

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08:40 28/04/2014

Fundamentals-UNCHANGED. fTSE LISTING - going ahead. USA roadshow - GOING Ahead. KPMG don't audit companies how they want to.. its the first thing accountants say 'we are doing your books the way we want to' I know this because my father has been in the profession for 20 years and I even asked him about it on the weekend! Fidelity, M&G AND invested are not mugs are they... cOME ON guys. this is a short attack, nothing more...

08:06 28/04/2014

22.5. bouncing

08:06 28/04/2014


16:05 23/04/2014

READ 'Gotham City strike no joke for Quindell on Investors Chronicle. Confidence booster!!!

14:56 23/04/2014

institutions khanah!

14:38 23/04/2014

anyone else noticing its been around 90% buys since USA opened at 14.30???

14:32 23/04/2014

article on iii: ""Should You Sell Quindell PLC On Gotham Report?""

14:12 23/04/2014

I am acutely against rampers and dreamers. However, it has just been acknowledged, that a board meeting is happening as I type. New is imminent. I think the release of this news (rebuttal against those pests in Gotham City) in line with the US opening at 14.30 is going to create a manic rush for the shares. Expect a few more auctions in the near future!! What do you think??

13:44 23/04/2014

RE: SP predictions could see 29+ by end of today (conservative)
