ventura1's Posts

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08:54 14/10/2015

Love those posts by Dazza, but why so infrequent, i presume he is only allowed out every now and again

13:43 12/10/2015

livin on a prayer, how desperate imagining a post on this board from dwpdc is the equivalent of an rns, and one chaps quoting from seeing a fortune teller!!!

09:05 12/10/2015

How refreshing to hear the usual claptrap from Dazza. You know you have got it wrong so many times, some of the dimwits into wrn might one day not believe you.

21:23 08/10/2015

If the law financial claim is successful wrn will get a substantial amount, if not wrn will be completely worthless. Would anyone contemplate a takeover at a substantial premium without this being cleared up???

16:06 08/10/2015

livin on a prayer - if you think the video is impressive, it is no wonder you are a longterm investor in wrn. I need say no more.

09:26 06/10/2015

Picto, whats looking good?? And whats these ducks?? Egg is spot on there is nothing of any value in wrn.......

13:00 05/10/2015

hey Picto, be careful, you might be showing some logic and still a wrner!! You do not have to accept the deals exist , but wRN SAID THEY WERE GOING TO ISSUE A PROSPECTUS, AND IN FACT SAID THEY WERE WORKING ON ONE. So, as you say the fact that there is now no prospectus the deals are off off off

08:55 05/10/2015

and dw will be coming down the chimney

08:54 05/10/2015

yes, when wrn relist all xmases at once and big divis for sid

11:00 04/10/2015

catious sid - what divs will wrn be paying?? will they still pay even if they never relist??
