tosimon7's Posts

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14:08 18/02/2015

Towed: everything you wanted to know about ER but was afraid to ask: [link]

17:38 06/02/2015

Re: Afternoon Campers. Ha! I always suspected you was a fraud PottyTime: any genuine poster would know it was The Sullivans BEFORE Magpie - week days that was....But at last, I can dream this weekend that my mad, mad gamble in FOGL might have a less nightmare'ess ending this summer GLTO.

14:49 07/11/2014

RE: Repsol cash. Having been shafted by the RG’s in the YPF forced sell off, what better revenge for Repsol then to invest in the Falklands O&G development. That would be a meal best served cold.
