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12:50 28/01/2015


20:25 26/01/2015

regret to inform the board that kay's shares in Afren took a real kicking today ..down 50% since he bought

19:35 26/01/2015

maybe it was just one of the lse monitors..they cannot have people saying things like that but in my case it was just general "africa is corrupt" leads me to think it was Gibril or somebody working for him.Could be just the monitors though

19:32 26/01/2015

ACCOUNT suspended i would imagine cos you spoke of the africans being lazy and backed up what ducati said..the point is somebody was watching and really did not like it.They are very nervous about these truths being told;

19:21 26/01/2015

liu he did mention names ...but of course he was right.Can you see the mine without Frank Timis and Gibril ??I imagine they are too central to be replaced??

11:33 26/01/2015

no word from slnomad or drone in months...

12:56 25/01/2015

liu, nothing to report?

15:46 24/01/2015
20:44 23/01/2015

Gazza it is a bad time to be selling a stake in an iron ore mine..the key thing is that the GOSL have insisted the mines stay running and that is why FT got Marampa(bribes included as well i am sure)then after that it is a question of whose interests are best served.SISG will not lose I think and Timis Corp neither..the best would be if SISG dropped their share in the project for a big chunk of AML and then agreed to send all the ore to Europe if possible till IO price rises , the savings on 26mtpa on freight alone is about $300 million

16:02 21/01/2015

4u, absolutely not.Spoke with the guy and he told me that they were still in.Malheureusement/ unfortunately.People make mistakes and in this case we have had an incredible run of events go against us but despite all that we still own the majority of the rail and port and the mine.Massive assets , if we can just get some juice in the tank.
