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11:59 02/02/2015

liu , keep your eyes open for Indians on the ground

20:39 01/02/2015

thanks liu

20:14 01/02/2015

liu, you mean he cannot rely on AW or on AW's people??

19:36 01/02/2015

liu, anything to report??How is your new job going?

11:30 01/02/2015

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22:27 31/01/2015

liu, the total debt is $700 million.If we lose so do CRM, FT , and GB .If we get 50p a share that is Worth 3.5 million to GB

21:09 31/01/2015

4u , in that case we can open a fb page and grant has most emails already but in admin we can do very little

19:22 30/01/2015

HA,yes it is and it has been a memorable one Time to relax now as nothing more I can do.

19:11 30/01/2015

thanks again Liu

18:55 30/01/2015

nothing substantially has changed and I really hope my panicking is for nothing in the end.It is just that the chinese did not get back to AW today with an offer when they should have and also that gibril's email was a rebuttal of the initial email by AW.Neither email is as we thought a tidying up of things to please the chinese before they sign.Could still all work out okay for us but the BOD have not given themselves much leeway.Very tiring birthday for this investor and hope it is a false drama in the end.
