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09:40 14/04/2015

AMI has definitely been taken off lse BB now.

12:29 23/03/2015

Billy1 - Do you have any further info that you could give us regarding overpriced contracts that may have been awarded to contractors? If needs-be, I can provide you with a private email address it you don't want to discuss it here.

12:23 22/03/2015

I would have thought that before that can happen, there needs to be a court hearing or arbitration to decide how much of AML's 75% has to be passed to SISG to cover the debt of $167M. Whatever is left for AML after that would surely be open to offers?

19:43 16/03/2015

Good to hear from you again Liu. Are you able to find out what IO is being shipped out from Pepel at the moment , is it from Marampa?

10:23 05/03/2015

Liu, thanks for that. Keep in touch.

21:36 26/02/2015

Liu - Haven't heard from you for a while. Are you OK?

20:29 13/02/2015

Happygilmore: Are you an employee of AMI, just wonder how you know so much of the detail.

21:04 12/02/2015

Problem is, no one seems to know for sure who is corrupt, and who isn't.

19:06 13/01/2015

Thanks Liu, that's what we thought.

17:04 07/01/2015

Thanks Liu.
