sdoglyons's Posts

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09:46 03/07/2014

bought in this moring

09:39 30/06/2014

I bought some today too.

14:00 27/06/2014

Sorry trying to do search not a post. lol

13:59 27/06/2014


07:40 27/06/2014

Great well result

09:26 24/06/2014

Just bought more PMG

16:29 11/06/2014

of course prod is not constrained you dont get flow of 1000's backed up behind pipe..... so ridiculous

16:18 11/06/2014

Would be astounded not to see this rise in the near future. Seen Sean Docs comments re placing - can not begin to imagine what figures he is working off as I can't see it happening. Add onto that the qualatative data of Leni saying no placing and the cancelled disinvestment of spain and the placing of 1.3 million earlier in the year. Can't understand the conclusion. Other than gut feel.... which I have no time for. If you are a long term investor who sells out 2 wells into an onshore INFILL program. Its ludicrous. My guess he is simply talking his own position. No harm in that we all do it.

16:13 11/06/2014

he only does technicals. I'd ignore it. Blatantly has a position on and is talking it up

08:41 11/06/2014

Game over. Doubt value will be found here for years.....
