scotchoverice's Posts

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20:54 24/03/2014

if the power of social media can impact share prices, it is now beholden on all holders to ramp the bottom out of this share, no?

23:23 18/03/2014

Bugle - indeed..and i have some ugly red scars tonight...and the scars i can tolerate, it's the blatant silence from MA that is intolerable. He is Chairman. His primary job in that role is safeguarding of shareholder value. When a concerned shareholder phones and is met by laughter and defensiveness: SOUND THE ALARM!! Sadly, I am moving into RDGs camp - later than perhaps I should have

20:53 18/03/2014

This has been a painful week so far and it is only Tuesday. I am really freaked that MAs response today to a call for action or an announcement was met with laughter. Iceberg, what iceberg?

12:31 18/03/2014

well..i have been selling and sadly will now continue. i just had a very snappy conversation with MA having had a slew of emails ignorred of the past few days. I asked him if BMR was planning to do anything, make any statement, that might prop up confidence. He laughed and said I was asking him to tell me something not known to the markets. I retorted that the SP was in free fall and needed action to support it. I then asked why he had not given shareholders clarity on the Zema timetable which had been available to the public. He claimed (a) shareholders calling zema had "upset zema" (I retorted, had there been clarity no one would have had to call); second, that the timetable had been given to shareholders in Feb. He then said, we issue more than enough statements through the year, we won't be saying anything more. Something, in my opinion, feels wrong.

18:44 16/03/2014


23:59 13/03/2014

I have mailed MA...several times this week....SILENCE....And the sp is tumbling...liquidity is king..

20:20 13/03/2014

tomorrow aagh

20:20 13/03/2014

Jam tomorro

20:20 13/03/2014

No AB is a master of spinning plates, jasmine tomorrow promises and helping himself to shareholders funds

19:52 13/03/2014

Who thinks Briarbank is AB?
