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23:56 21/05/2015

That's before the BMR play

22:37 21/05/2015

Does anyone know who Colombis Milling Limited are or Nicaragua Mininig Company limited? I can't find any contact details or directors or anything about them anywhere...

06:13 13/05/2015

So..I have sold down most of my BMR and taken a position in MTR...we shall see

06:12 13/05/2015

Write down, not white down..

06:12 13/05/2015

....which would be less than 30%...which is an immediate value play because the NAV is £9m....and if AB has done his job well, he has overdone the white down leaving lots of room for upside recovery on BMRs assets

06:09 13/05/2015

Ladies and gentlemen.I Believe the play is MTR. Not that I have any is just my belief. We will be consolidated at 10/1. We will, I believe vote for removal of pre-emptied rights. AB will then have the right to issue up to 500m new shares. now, MTr buys 50m new shares for £500k

06:04 13/05/2015

Range Mines anyone

06:02 13/05/2015

Worthwhile also reflecting on who helped get RRR to market back in 2005? It was a boiler house room crew..

06:01 13/05/2015

Siegfried et al..forget the last 2 years...look at the 5 year trend...see the q4 2010 pump and dump..and the 5 year value collapse since,,.

05:59 13/05/2015

In Q4 2010, RRR hit 16p per share...since then it's been a story of mass dilution, failed alleged deals, large salaries, fees and emoluments, potential conflicts of interest: ask not for whom the bell toils; it's not for thee!
