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09:00 10/08/2015

Been reading up on AIM shares - this looks a total I missing something?

15:45 09/08/2015

RRR4Ever...and colombian gold many ifs and maybes...but the evidence is this is a lifestyle company for AB

15:31 09/08/2015

cash flow is not RRRs problem so much as where the cash flows to...over £12M has come in via dilutive placings and guess how much has gone out via "administrative expenses"..a professional accountant would be asking who there beneficiaries of these admin expenses has been..

18:17 08/08/2015

Oh dear omar....did you forget the promsied grades of Colombia..only to be told the previous manageent misled RRR...really? Ever heard of Caveat Emptor & Due Diligence? How about the $500k paid to Kansai a company with no accounts....or the huge administrative expenses which mean that virtually every penny received from dilutive placings has gone out the back door....and how much has AB taken out of RRR & related party companies..and Condorex etc?

21:58 06/08/2015

Bitter isn't a shareholder, just one of ABs apologists..might even be AB

10:02 06/08/2015

Don't forget the administrative expenses....

21:40 05/08/2015

You have to ask Omar what Mas

21:39 05/08/2015

yep....another bell trainsmash ahead

23:56 04/08/2015

dear oh dear oh dear...can anyone stop omar's verbal least we know one thing...he has no more insight than that available in a primary A'level text book.....the difference however between economics and commerce is small but hugely significant: Every economic argument begins..."assuming.." and anyone worth an ounce of credit in business says "never assume anything" let's not assume. According to a 2014 research paper by Jonny Hesthammer and Hans Gebauer "Over the past four decades, commercial exploration success rate has remained surprisingly constant at around 25% worldwide. The same success rate is also found for more than 300 wildcat wells offshore Norway during the past decade. The introduction of 3D seismic and other technologies combined with an ever increasing knowledge base have not changed this"...So a generous soul like Omar would claim a 25% cos whereas I would note a 75% failure rate. Furthermore, go see the Oct 1st 2010 RNS regarding the mooted sale of assets by Kansai Mining, the $6.8million dollar upside for RRR - and the $500k transfer to Kansai for we all whooped with joy. Only the deal was well.....hmmmmm..and there's $500k unaccounted for.......Of course you wont find any explanation from this from Omar...nor any explanation as to how you value a company that can't produce accounts...nor can he provide a basic accountancy textbook to explain the process

16:18 04/08/2015

Very odd reporting today...I bought slightly more than 250,000 today at 0.894 showing as a sell
