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08:35 14/04/2014

Bugle, talking of legends on LSE, have you any idea what inspires someone to wake up at 7am on a Saturday morning and post a message about me? I must be the first thing he thinks of every morning!!!! I suppose I must have inadvertently got under his skin, but he should really let it go and spend some time with his family or friends

17:03 11/04/2014

So let's be clear...are you saying that ZEMA have not received either written or verbal objections? Don't waffle or prevaricate , just give a clear statement, is this what you are saying as fact? You claim to have someone there and I'm sure you wouldn't want to mislead. Off for a long weekend somewhere pleasant now...I'll deal with your response on Monday. Take care y'all

11:38 11/04/2014

Oh dear...

I'll try and log in before the end of trading if I can.

16:10 10/04/2014

Well you can certainly feel the tension rising as people await to find out about tomorrow’s meeting…the tension would be better directed towards the dilution required. I wonder how many will find themselves impaled on a spike tomorrow when the rumours and misinformation start emanating from the ‘legends’ et al? I hope most have learned the lessons of the past four years. I’m not about much tomorrow with one thing or another, but I will post when I can. Have a good evening and calm down, que sera, sera.

…cue Keith/dufc/mud to be a ‘legend’ and attempt to mimic!

14:58 10/04/2014

Scotchoverice on DTM 18/03/14: "well..i have been selling and sadly will now continue. i just had a very snappy conversation with MA having had a slew of emails ignorred of the past few days. I asked him if BMR was planning to do anything, make any statement, that might prop up confidence. He laughed and said I was asking him to tell me something not known to the markets. I retorted that the SP was in free fall and needed action to support it. I then asked why he had not given shareholders clarity on the Zema timetable which had been available to the public. He claimed (a) shareholders calling zema had "upset zema" (I retorted, had there been clarity no one would have had to call); second, that the timetable had been given to shareholders in Feb. He then said, we issue more than enough statements through the year, we won't be saying anything more. Something, in my opinion, feels wrong."

Good grief man...are you serious?

Let's get this chat back to BMR...why have the off-take talks gone from 'advanced' status to 'continuing'?


09:52 10/04/2014

I wonder if we will see any representation in person or via remote means from international environmental groups?

08:39 10/04/2014

what has gone wrong with the off-take negotiations? From 'advanced' to continuing really requires some explanation.

08:29 10/04/2014

delighted to see two kindred spirits coming together to announce each other as 'legends' yesterday...hilarious and heart warming all at the same time I think we are all concerned about the accuracy of messages emerging from tomorrow's meeting, but let's hope candour wins the day. Difficult to imagine that anyone new to BMR will want to buy in at this stage with so much unknown about the level of dilution that awaits. So many questions and and so few answers...

16:02 09/04/2014

and unfortunately it has been a sea of red. The ongoing thread here today of 'worrying times' was well named, but also served to highlight the poorly constructed rationale of the 'team' and their lack of understanding about the SP that has rotten away down to these incredibly low levels. Everyone wants to talk about the public meeting, but how many are openly exploring the impact of the massive dilution that is required if ZEMA approval is granted...reading between the lines, I'm guessing that many just want to see any sort of spike so they can get out and stay out. All being well, I'll catch you tomorrow.
