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08:20 15/04/2014

You seem very excited ljc!!! I find it to be quite an odd RNS, almost like someone is trying to manufacture a spike. As I've said repeatedly (as recently as yesterday), ZEMA approval will come eventually, the real issue is what will happen when the massive dilution is announced. Ljc, try not to dupe anyone today into believing that dilution won't happen.

11:11 14/04/2014

please be clear...are you saying that ZEMA have not received either written or verbal objections? Don't waffle or prevaricate (or indeed mention an email from the UK) , just give a clear statement, is this what you are saying as fact? You claim to have someone there and I'm sure you wouldn't want to mislead.

11:08 14/04/2014

Like I was wrong about the ZEMA processes a couple of months ago? Information gained from a call. It's a very simple thing to do, just telephone them and ask...they are very helpful...not a particularly controversial claim by me, just straightforward. Whilst you are at it, why not answer my question from this morning?

10:15 14/04/2014

There seems to be some confusion about the ZEMA processes and protocols, not helped with far fetched and ill informed claims such as those claiming ZEMA employees have access to the 1p share options! The meeting on Friday was actually led by retained consultants, with ZEMA there to contribute and observe. Following Friday's meeting, the consultants will produce a report which will then be considered along with all of the other evidence to allow them to come to a conclusion. Odd that those who claim to be in know, do not appear to be aware of this.

09:42 14/04/2014

Well good to see you posting Ted, even if you don't know anything. In answer to your questions: 1) Yes, I have always said that it would come at some point 2) Yes, of course.
The worry for holders is what will be revealed in terms of dilution once approval is is not going to be pretty. I have been right so far, so what is your take on the dilution required? Are you hoping for a big spike following approval so you can bail?

09:14 14/04/2014

I really didn't want to get back into this again, because you are very slippery...but to be clear are you saying that you have never sold anything relating to BMR? We know that you bought all your way up (including your big 8p CFD of course), so it's good to hear that you are doign so well here. 1.35p to buy is it at the moment? Have a nice time with the kids and try and forget about me for a bit!

09:08 14/04/2014

No ljc, he dodged it and you know he did (bit like you when I asked about how many you had sold here). When you can persuade him to answer the very simple question, I'll tell you.

08:53 14/04/2014

Still not keen on that straight answer to a straight question I see

08:42 14/04/2014

You really are obsessed with me 'pal'!!! If you can persuade your new mate dufc to answer my question properly, I will tell you what I know. Not sure why he's avoiding it...I can wait. I feel for those who believed you when you were certain that the warrants could not and would not be reduced under 2p....
