another quiet day... is this the lull before the storm?
not much is going to happen until volumes pickup... its been a very quiet afternoon for DOR trades
yes but I don't see, to be able to post it here... i'll try on LSE
footpath 414 is to the south, wrays farm to the east, a woodland with water at its northern end to the north.
from the Surrey CC description I reckon its here 51.177399,-0.212422
Planning App on Surrey CC website describes residential property at Wrays farm being 300m East of the drill site. With the planned access road being 50m from these properties
description of the Horse Hill location, where the access road will be and references a public footpath. I'll see if I can use to plot out the site on a google map.
I'm not in NOP, its just a well i've heard talked about and saw on the map
Theres quite a few well sites in Surrey, Palmers Wood if your in Northern Petroleum.