sandgrounder's Posts

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11:49 29/10/2014

stadia and airports etc

11:49 29/10/2014

remember this is the company that put the roof on Wimbledon centre court - so contracts here are not small

11:48 29/10/2014

yup, buy on rumour, sell on news!

11:47 29/10/2014

big contract and thus will fly... current mcap is less than 1 potential contract... but needs that news to come

12:21 28/10/2014

mm's are still fishing for shares

12:18 28/10/2014

Yes... and reading between the lines it says " the rise is justified, and there is more to come!"

12:18 28/10/2014

little shake, then a run at 8p and beyond

12:17 28/10/2014

Lets see if 8p can go!

12:50 02/10/2014

Mungo83 - it can happen if the share goes in to auction.

22:52 29/09/2014

evening BAO
