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looks like the Saudi's sending a message to the shale oilers.

don't like this, Over the weekend the United Arab Emirates' energy minister, Suhail Al-Mazrouei, said the Organisation for Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) would be willing to withstand a drop in the price of crude to $40 per barrel before contemplating the need for an emergency meeting FROM HL market news feed.

i can screen on google by percentage quote change... but so far only the whole market or an industry sector, can't filter to just AIM

always late... i get top risers list from LSE and the prices are 15min delayed.... i suppose I should be able to get live risers from a google finance stick screen?

GEMD having a good day... not 224% though, just 6%

working away tues/wed/thurs

then travelling this afternoon

home this morning


