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my mrs does a tax return as she does a few little bits of freelance work on top of her regular PAYE job

i stick to ISA to avoid all the hassle of tax returns... although they are very easy to do apparently and if you are in plenty of time the tax people very helpful and guide you through

if it was enough of a loss you might of got a rebate or tax code adjustment

yeah prob

so actually you could fill in a tax return for the loss

but HL waive the dealing charges to keep your business

if you generate a capital gain, you have to pay tax

Our Bed & ISA and Bed & SIPP service allows you to sell your shares free of charge and use the proceeds to open, or top up, an ISA or SIPP. You can then immediately buy the same shares back, choose another investment or hold cash. Please note the sale could generate a capital gain


okay, think you only have to declare cash 'income' from your share account... so cash in the account is okay, but any profits or income drawn out.
