sam's Posts

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19:04 02/12/2014

New wells on line just before xmas

13:48 17/10/2014

One thing is for sure here. We will not be sitting sub £1 when either we are getting paid or we are at 40,000 / bod

08:38 15/10/2014

At what point is our debt more than our MC?

09:30 07/10/2014

Anyone know that GKP's Enterprise value is?

13:43 16/09/2014

09/19/2014 AGM for Edge Resources Inc

13:43 16/09/2014

Must be good if we are in a close period still after the the Q2 results. Who things that news is pending after all this ISIS stuff dies down?

09:48 01/09/2014

Come on Edge. Show us 14p by EOD

11:58 07/08/2014

Update on Security Situation Gulf Keystone Petroleum Limited ("Gulf Keystone" or the "Company") today confirms that the Company's operations in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, including ongoing production and trucking operations at both Shaikan production facilities, remain safe and secure. While there is no immediate threat to any of the Company's operations in the region, we continue to monitor the situation closely and operate with increased security as a precaution. The Company's results for the period ended 30 June 2014 will be announced on Thursday 28 August 2014.

11:57 07/08/2014


10:44 07/08/2014

Appointment of Non-Executive Directors
