It's almost criminal what has happened with VOG, I see he got rid of grant I wonder how much that cost us or will he come back as an advisor. Nobody can get to the bottom of anything with this company. Private investors have been sold down the river by FOO I have lost a fortune on the old broken promises it seems everybody is taking a slice of the pie so how can they make money. Grimm has his 40%Foo has his 5% Cam govt have their 5% what's left for the investors that took all of the risk. I know exactly what I am going to vote at the AGM no matter what rabbit FOO pulls out of the hat it will just be smoke and mirrors.
Tell me does anybody know if Grimm is getting his cut from the well head is Foo charing him to use our pipeline?
The BOD are doing a great job. They deserve every penny they can get their hands on.
I get the feeling that events are finally catching up with FOO, there is a whole raft of investors unhappy with not just the share price but also the way he is handling the operations of VOG. I for one would vote on his inability to lead a company. Something is not right if he is not making a profit at this stage.
I completely agree shareholders have been led up the garden path far too long here with the jam tomorrow promises. VOG has been a litany of promises, failures, surprises and huge salaries for a minnow.
We have a BOD and directors big enough to run shell let alone a Cameroon Gas station. I would be up for getting rid of Foo as well.