SalopTractor's Posts

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10:28 22/01/2016

amazing - after a whole year of posts you start posting in ENGLISH - i knew you had it in you (English that is)

10:27 22/01/2016

Thanks for the family share update, nice to know that you dont own any and are as i said before a BITTER GERS Fan.

10:25 22/01/2016

you actually called me a bigot and a low-life way before that. Your writing makes you look illiterate and stupid and the posts are unfounded ramblings in a Glasweigan 'accent' for some stupid reason, no wonder you lost any credibility you ever had writing that way.

09:54 22/01/2016

Catty - i dont know why you are sooo bitter. For a whole year you come on here spouting the most unreadable garbage, with no substance whatsoever. And now you have the audacity to offend me? i dont give a s*it if you own your own house or where you live or how old you are. This BB is for DISCUSSING THE MARKET, not TROLLING which you have happily played out for over a year and i have humoured you, BUT NEVER TROLLED OR OFFENDED. Im happy to hold WRN, but you are NOT a holder or so BADLY SHORT and will burn when WRN re-lists. Enjoy your life Catty and stop bringing the level down. Perhaps its living in Glasgow for so long - if it really is that bad there i actually feel sorry for you.

09:29 22/01/2016

Thanks Ventura

08:05 22/01/2016

your guess is as good as mine Andy, drunk as usual

13:54 21/01/2016

P*ssed up loon!

09:08 21/01/2016

Catty - if i could even start to understand your bizarre ramblings!

08:07 21/01/2016

WTF is a 'Premium Dude Member'??? lol

16:36 20/01/2016

ha ha ha ha ha CattyG the bitter GERS fan YAWWWWWWWWWWNNNNNNNN
