SalopTractor's Posts

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16:15 27/05/2014

know the feeling!

16:15 27/05/2014

LOL Guest!

16:10 27/05/2014

must have bras bollo*ks to do this full time JD !!!

16:08 27/05/2014

JD - same thing has happened with BZM - sold out last month at 3p - flying over 4p today!

16:07 27/05/2014

You must ave been quick... icannot be that quick as im at work and cannot even trade online! ;(

16:06 27/05/2014

1.37 WOW

16:05 27/05/2014

u JD?

16:04 27/05/2014

2.125p to be precise!

16:03 27/05/2014

need profits in ROSE before i buy in OBT - would like to get COMS again

16:01 27/05/2014

i nearly bought OBT on Friday but ROSEY came up!
