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16:33 24/06/2014

Iraq crisis prob been planned to increase oil prices

16:26 24/06/2014

Tech stock hatred - except BLINKY and MMX both good gains today - at last!

16:23 24/06/2014

oh well no big rise at ROSE - no funds for DOR or OBT!

15:28 24/06/2014

i said that to JD earlier - my sell point is prob 2.6 though

15:27 24/06/2014


15:23 24/06/2014

nightmare on QUIN again!

15:15 24/06/2014

BAO - great time to get into MMX

15:14 24/06/2014

good job im out too!

15:04 24/06/2014

PLUS dropped off cliff BAO

14:30 24/06/2014

suppose he didnt disclose what they would be like?
