SalopTractor's Posts

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10:16 26/06/2014

i dont really understand it properly!

10:07 26/06/2014

any good JD?

09:57 26/06/2014

JD - RNS for ROSE??

09:55 26/06/2014

morning all

16:10 25/06/2014

not buying any more as i have a huge loss here, but at last i could recoupe some losses.

16:05 25/06/2014

SER - big break out - JV / sell off could be done deal up 79% already

15:37 25/06/2014

good day again guys

15:11 25/06/2014

volume increase in SER - up

13:58 25/06/2014

JD back in here swapped my ECR for these _ when i said i wasnt going to take a loss!

12:15 25/06/2014

explain Superman?
