SalopTractor's Posts

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16:09 09/07/2014

well done for getting flew to 3p within 15mins. I managed to get 2.15p

16:07 09/07/2014

could be brasher... hmmmm...

15:20 09/07/2014

1.79 good buy in price BAO?

15:11 09/07/2014

35% up

15:10 09/07/2014

flipping eck!

15:05 09/07/2014

Only put a couple of hundred in

15:01 09/07/2014

yes 2.3 to sell now

15:01 09/07/2014

not going anywhere Brasher???

14:54 09/07/2014

BAO - Just had a tip off - MIO set to move news tomorrow apparently leaked out on website earlier today. Got off a guy on LSE ROXI board

14:40 09/07/2014

dropped to the price i bought this AM 7.55p - HOPING FOR THE BOUNCE NOW!
