SalopTractor's Posts

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09:34 10/07/2014

not cheked RNS yet

09:29 10/07/2014

might call HL

09:24 10/07/2014

TRYING - no go!

09:21 10/07/2014

cant sell!!!

09:19 10/07/2014

opened at 4.55 wow

16:37 09/07/2014

showing 5p on GOOGLE FINANCE LOL

16:17 09/07/2014

looking good here again JD!

16:16 09/07/2014

not good fro the blood pressure this brasher!

16:12 09/07/2014

no didnt see the RNS - i was on this site on the ROXI board when someone gave the tip off to a mate on LSE at 2p - i got straight in from there!

16:11 09/07/2014

from what ive seen on here, rumours.... the project in Canada NAV is $865m - 40 year project
