SalopTractor's Posts

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11:15 18/09/2014

averaged down at 6.15p

11:09 18/09/2014

Whats he on.... GAME OVER funny - d*ck

11:06 18/09/2014

I could reluctantely top slice ROXI (very thin top slice thou)

11:05 18/09/2014

sound familiar JD

11:05 18/09/2014


11:04 18/09/2014

might ave down

11:04 18/09/2014

this is f..ig typical bought yesterday at 8p

14:00 16/09/2014

RXP and ROSE offer the best long term potential on the AIM imo

12:14 16/09/2014

going to lunch - going to set a sell limit!

12:13 16/09/2014

need 0.4 and im out
