SalopTractor's Posts

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11:10 29/09/2014

cannot sell im not selling

14:17 23/09/2014

yeah ive still got a few in here, but top sliced a bit for FRR earlier

14:11 23/09/2014

you still in ROSE JD?

08:20 23/09/2014


10:15 19/09/2014

MMX - no RNS yet but they have won the rights to .VIP (DOT VIP) beating Google and Amazon to it .London .kiwi and .bayern aslo doing well - still low mcap, results end of SEPT.

10:14 19/09/2014

MMX - no RNS yet but they have won the rights to .VIP (DOT VIP) beating Google and Amazon to it .London .kiwi and .bayern aslo doing well - still low mcap, results end of SEPT.

10:10 19/09/2014

MMX - no RNS yet but they have won the rights to .VIP (DOT VIP) beating Google and Amazon to it .London .kiwi and .bayern aslo doing well - still low mcap, results end of SEPT.

09:51 19/09/2014

im sitting on a 95% loss - no way im selling out now, in too deep. But i like the way they have managed to get HAWKER on board. They still have a lot of assets, which could reap rewards HOLD imho.

11:17 18/09/2014

hope so BAO

11:15 18/09/2014

