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hoping Clem Chambers can turn SER around

£3500 in there - now worth £150

Morning all - oh well SER suspended at least it cant drop any further

10:44 21/10/2015

this is the Marcus Worthington Group

13:13 20/10/2015

Patco - nothing m8

09:14 16/10/2015

they cannot release sensitive information due to rules

09:09 16/10/2015

think they have more important issues to resolve than the website

09:04 16/10/2015
09:04 16/10/2015

Doug has also employed 2 specialists - one Russian oil guy to assist and bring on board oil and gas ventures and another guy who was chief accounts at Hanson Lafarge

09:01 16/10/2015

read the link below. This clearly states why the T/O has taken so long. Nuna, as you are probably aware were close to administration. Greenland Mining Co have rescued Nuna to the tune of £10m. The CO of GM has a 5% holding in WRN. Once the complete funding of Nuna is completed, they can T/O WRN and all the deals that Doug has bought in.
