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15:38 30/10/2015

GM Greenland Mining

15:38 30/10/2015

Nuna is virtually bankrupt but GM are investing in them £10m

15:35 30/10/2015

just a waiting game

15:35 30/10/2015

They cannot disclose much as they are in a T/O period

15:35 30/10/2015

Nuna did say this on an RNS about a month ago.

15:31 30/10/2015

it all stems on the Nuna deal, if Nuna shareholders accept the re-financing from GM in November, then the Nuna WILL T/O Worthington. The Greenland government want it to happen, as they have invested a lot in Nuna, as do the board of GM as they are shareholder in WRN also. As well as this, WRN have employed more staff to oversee the deals that were metioned earlier in the year. I trust them 100%.

15:19 30/10/2015

some have nothing better to do!?

yeah 04

was that the Tsunami year? or was that 2003. My bro was there the Tsunami year but was the opposite side fortunatley. I wont ask why you were in hospital...

nice one big week then! - id love to be away from the UK at Xmas
