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director...Richard Other Prickett - great name


nice £37k buy at ROXI

TIGGY ramptastic on the BB

email from ROXI director: Willans 144 RE: Email from Clive! I just got exactly the same email! Dan Thank you for your email. On A5 our last announcement referred to February as the expected date for the next update and this remains the case although exactly when in February is not clear. On Galaz we are likely to make a further announcement next week as that marks the end of the extended exclusivity period. On a general note I remain optimistic over the medium and longer term. Best regards

only 30% down on RXP!


AFR rising

yeh i know u mentioned buying at under 0.16

BAO - did you buy any TIGGY at 0.16 - boomed to 0.25 earlier P&D
