I heard from a good source at the weekend someone is ready to bid for kaz my guess would be glencore!!!!!!!!!!
as I have said before they are nothing short of rich gangsters who will do this type of thing again and why !!! because they can and are aloud to get away with this disgraceful behaviour towards minority holders. the lse should team up with exchanges like south Africa and Zimbabwe and hang their heads I as a long term investor have completely lost trust in the entire system 17 years investing over and out
Shame on you lse and all connected with this fiasco enrc now this your becoming a laughing stock within your licensed casino confidence in whole system is waning away no justice for the innocents whilst the gangsters get richer and walk away not affected its that easy pathetic its uk not zimbabwe
no wonder the crooks that run this company are trying it on after all they must of sat watching the enrc scandal unfold and thought! god its so easy to get away with murder cant believe what a joke it all is and bet a pound to the penny the company is on the verge of a massive upward turnaround off now to prepare my company for float it will have no doubt getting passed by the jokers and may even make the ftse100
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