ripley94's Posts

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15:17 19/11/2022

19th November 2022 (B) 506,817 ( Por ) 781,180 ( debt ) -274,363 ( Day ) 797 ( Available ) 16,416 the Marker of 573,555 is beaten by 207,625 which is down on last last week by 10,941 The TOTAL IS A LOSS -73,058 . 15 deals this week 13 buys 2 sells .

18:12 12/11/2022

4 weeks of gains 1st was marginal so 3 good weeks gaining 44,064 in total . ( Por ) around the level of 24th September below . Noticed big falls in October in the past ?

18:03 12/11/2022

12th November 2022 (B) 524,280 ( Por ) 792,121 ( debt ) -267,841 ( Day ) 787 ( Available ) 27,509 the Marker of 573,555 is beaten by 218,566 which is up on last last week by 15,054 The TOTAL IS A LOSS -55,595 .

09:03 05/11/2022

5th November 2022 (B) 504,445 ( Por ) 777,067 ( debt ) -272,621 ( Day ) 743 ( Available ) 17,357 the Marker of 573,555 is beaten by 203,512 which is up on last last week by 19,721 The TOTAL IS A LOSS SHOWING the same as last week -75,429 . Bank of England put rate up by 0.75% to 3% highest one day rise in 30 years . Traded SQZ Mon / Tues , 2 sells London 1 buy USA Friday . Looks much the same level as 8th October level .

00:18 29/10/2022

29th October 2022 (B) 483,810 ( Por ) 757,346 ( debt ) -273,536 ( Day ) 2073 ( Available ) 6986 the Marker of 573,555 is beaten by 183,791 which is up on last last week by 9289 The TOTAL IS A LOSS SHOWING the same as last week -96,064 . Rishi Sunak is Prime Minister .

14:55 22/10/2022

22nd October 2022 (B) 469,997 ( Por ) 748,057 ( debt ) -278,060 ( Day ) 449 ( Available ) 7,798, the Marker of 573,555 is beaten by 174,502 which is marginally up on last last week by 493,The TOTAL IS A LOSS SHOWING the same as last week -109,877 . Liz Truss resigned as Prime Minister .

09:03 15/10/2022

Kwasi Kwarteng sacked after 38 days after causing market meltdown . these are the times to use a margin .

09:00 15/10/2022

15th October 2022 (B) 469,997 ( Por ) 747,564 ( debt ) -277,567 ( Day ) 578 ( Available ) 3,672 7, PRTA buy back on the Monday the only trade, the Caretech take over funds of 1500 came late on the Friday , the new Marker of 573,555 is beaten by 174,009 which is down *33,325 on last week ,The TOTAL IS A LOSS SHOWING -109,877 ( **32,974 more then last week** ) Stressful and time consuming, Margin worries all week , but very volatile rebounding off -2 to + 1500 Wednesday, then a -3,000 margin call Thursday after St Annes lunch , but after returning from Westminster Abbey, St Edward Confessor Mass 7.30pm +3000 .

19:34 08/10/2022

8th October 2022 (B) 502,972 ( Por ) 780,889 ( debt ) -277,917 ( Day ) 223 ( Available ) 11,747, 7 deals, 6 buys 1 sale this week, Citix Systems take over £6700 in the new Marker of 573,555 is beaten by 207,334 which is up *18,406 on last weeks ,The TOTAL IS A LOSS SHOWING -76,903 ( **20,266 less then last week** ) all taking to much of my time & phone storage aggro this week , losing sent emails to ( D )

15:53 04/10/2022

Three month interest note, July on 296,000 ( 770 ) August on 289,500 ( 749 ) September on 291,000 ( 777 )
