RG33's Posts

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09:52 30/01/2015

1 Share bought conspiracy? By whom, MM's or P & D's????

12:07 27/01/2015

Re Flying: WOW

12:04 21/01/2015

Sorry, hit send before I mentioned that it wasn't showing (thro HL)

12:02 21/01/2015

Re GB21: I bought 134000 this morning @.77

13:49 19/01/2015

Sorry meant EyeGuy's

13:47 19/01/2015

Re Ives new board, I tried and got no result.

15:42 15/01/2015

Re Why: Sorry should have explained I'm just a beginner, that's why I'm puzzled, as dealing costs would not be far from the cost of the shares.

15:31 15/01/2015

WHY: why would someone buy 18 quids worth of share?

10:06 18/12/2014

Sorry hit the send button too soon, Buy shown as a sell at 09:56

10:04 18/12/2014

ReDrM my buy shows as a sell at
