R2's Posts

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16:31 11/02/2015

They would have been planning the move for some time?

16:25 11/02/2015

Should I buy some more I wonder??

10:00 11/02/2015

When do you think will we hear the results?

11:14 10/02/2015

I have a marketmaster account and have had some oxus shares for a few years and last week took a gamble bought some new ones. I would like your opinion please. If the share price rockets how do I sell? Is the share price likely to stay up for some time? Your opinions would be welcome.

11:09 10/02/2015

I am new here. I think this is a great site and enjoy reading all your different opinions.

09:16 10/02/2015

Im a newbee and looking for some help please.What is the best way to sell the shares and if they go up are they likely to stay up for a while. Thanks.

08:28 09/02/2015

Tap.. tap...tap. Ive been waiting years, suppose another day or month or two wont make any difference.

08:14 09/02/2015

What do you think the max price would be?

11:43 07/02/2015

Wonder how much that will be worth?

11:42 07/02/2015

Ive got 67000
