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14:39 21/10/2015

"Beets or "Beats; Beats me

14:38 21/10/2015

This beets me. The market can be irrational for a long time; but it is never irrational for ever; and when the switch occurs its likely to overshoot by just as much as it is undershooting.

12:25 21/10/2015

This can only be good. On a fundamental analysis, VS alone is worth £4m, and the other pieces ... Mkt cap remains at £2.5m!

06:03 09/10/2015

I agree with a number of the analyses below: VS alone being £4m, and has far higher potential - the founders must believe it’s worth much more as “should VS issue shares at a valuation lower than an agreed premium to the £58m valuation…the selling founders shall have to compensate Mr Jenkins by transferring to him further shares” – perhaps in the £100-200m range; Bosques has massive untapped potential and Leg got in very early – its stake being £100k – on the balance sheet; Amedeo could come good in the medium term, as could the smaller investments. And with the mkt cap at £2.6m, one could buy Leg and get VS at a discount to what Jenkins paid (!) with everything else for free! So why is the mkt cap at £2.6m i.e sp at .1 ish. I’m at a loss to explain this. Any ideas?

04:52 06/10/2015

Can someone explain Leg's share price to me? It has some fantastic investments, in particular VS, whose potential and value has been externally confirmed (Clients: Tesco, NHS, Maplin, etc. Outside investors: at .,,,,,£25m last April and £58m now, and by Nick Jenkins who has proven himself in the internet world, and would he invest at £58m if that is all he thought it was worth). Climate change is becoming a bigger and bigger issue, and Leg got in early with Bosques and seem to have developed some amazing plants, and Amedeo which while is suffering due to the oil price, is well backed and stands a good chance of coming good. Some of the smaller investments were made when commodities were hot and are now depressed, but might come back and in any case are small in the context of the bigger investments. The directors run the company frugally and take minimal cash comp (unlike many on AIM) with their rewards being tied to the share price. And yet the market cap is c.60% of VS confirmed value - disregard the potential (with the rest of the investments for free)!
