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I hope you took some GBR when I suggested it! 🍭🍺

GBR looks quite interesting. Got to go have a good week end all

That CPX really is playing with me ! Why wont it go to 3.5p !!! lol Maybe ill try 3.8 if it gets there again

Morning all


Back Again - Me on the ball , mmm once in a while I may be

(Or on the mother in law in ST's case) !!!

lol ST BAO, the one thing ive learnt when stressed, keep busy and do some exercise, keep the mind of it !

Got to go, may be on oof and on over the next few days, if not have a great week end all, BAO try to chill and have a few bevies with mates, chat next week

oh well did ok with PROX, traded out for 25% profit then bought back 10% lower so happy to hold now. And Atlas will do well eventually
