BAO , I emailed ACP to query their timings . They said the heads of terms should be finalised in to a definitive agreement/contract in the next quarter and I wasn't sure if they meant Q3 (current qtr) or Q4 as the RNS was dated early june. Had a reply saying " end of August if all goes according to plan..." So IF it does go to plan surely there will be a MEGA boom there due to the low M'cap and someone giving them $20M finacing
Need to get rid of the Greek issue and things might stabilise a bit.
I have 3.48M lots of faith so it had better come off
Good, at least Im not the only one with blind faith in it lol
Grrrrrr (MOS) !!! You still have your FRR BAO
ACP Bid.06p Offer
.065p Change
lol Well its still not showing on the leader board yet so if we get on there should generate some interest