MMmm can they do it, bet its going to be close !!!!! England require another 64 runs with 8 wickets remaining
One bit of good news ;;;; England require another 74 runs with 9 wickets remaining
WOnder if Tullow will go bottom fishing and buy up some of the assets?
Mmm, bad luck. Unbelievable, I haven't followed it much but find it hard to believe a new BOD comes in, raises a large chunk of money, blows it all and finds itself short !!! Disgusting and incompetatnt
ouch, glad im not in, hope you haven't lost too much ST
Tough times, Looking to top up IOG but waiting to see if it falls any more, would be nice to get it at about 14p Mid August isn't long and surely if he is saying he is confident they'll do the Debt facility then also which is earlier than planned he must be VERY confident its going to come good (eventually) ??
IOG delay, AEG delay grrr.....
This is like death by a thousand cuts !