Is there a way to reply to threads maintaining the thread? Secondly when I opened a thread it showed my name as a non registered user
Thanks but great addition
Cool you can creat a thread, thats really nifty
I would imagine so, we need to clear thorugh those 60M sold on Friday at .55 - Nice for the MM's to be selling them today at .65, 18% profit for them
In a few days we'll get used to it
ST - Awful share BUT if we have been told the truth then CLP should FLY when it comes out of suspension
lol well it will take an awful lot of trades to sell mine at 10k lots lol , oh well
Got a sell quote for 10,000 at .65
Bizaar spread on FRR is .65/.7 and its just allowed me to buy a chunk at .65 ????