prostand's Posts

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Chat to onceatrader as well for the opposing view

ST - Ive taken a small punt at 21.3p but honestly speaking its a short term gamble, cant understand why its been hit so hard by the shorters but hopefully nothing untoward. Cash is nearly the same as M'cap as at end of sept and if they have managed to keep going at the same rates they should have grown the cash position

Crazy day

BAO _ EVERYTHING looks nice

Yep rising nicely today (platinum), not in JLP.

Oncetrader - Anyway we both have different objectives for JQW so lets leave it there as im not getting in to a tit for tat posting scenario, too tedious

Onetrader I can sel all my shares at the full bid price and I don't lie

Dan ? what do you mean?

15:51 09/12/2014

Well its a sea of blue since 3.20pm and Im in profit already

Well its a sea of blue since 3.20pm and Im in profit already
