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Hola !

Morning all, AIM will come back but needs a resurgence in commodity prices and oil etc.

Big Yawn, AIM seems to have died

CLP - Looks very good to me. The new BOD have written down the net asset values of what we have to a level at least double to where we are now. However the write down is bound to be very pessimistic as the BOD will want to come out of this smelling of roses. We also have the maasive claim against the Italian Local government. Patience but looks good to me

Will keep an eye on Arse, if it drops to 1.4 or less to buy ill take a few

Interesting article on FRR [link]

Bad luck BAO

Good luck

They said they'd give an indication but full results wouldn't be available for sevral months so that's the rub. My trade is in there for the drill and hopefully get a rise towards target depth and then get out before the result and maybe get back in later once its settled and people realise that proper results wont be available for a while. That's my plan anyway
