Gives Jay a great incentive to do a good job. Good news for everyone really
Gas sales agreement is in the progress of being vetted
Jay is giving a great performance. Macly has a bit of a cough.
Davy stockbrokers are happy with today's news: DAVY VIEWThe proposed sale of a 6.5% stake in the Kiliwani North gas field to Solo Oil and a possible further sale of an equal amount will resolve the group’s debt issue. This would be a very positive development, allowing the group the flexibility to grow without its current debt.
The Markets are not suppose to know when the RNS is to be. Sure if we knew that we could all buy in the day before good news
Kiliwani is the gas field that they are waiting for as regards a gas sales agreement
I think one of the answers to a paywall is to have articles from writers that do not publish for anyone else. For example I brought the Phoenix magazine just to read what moneybags had to say about INM. It was the only article that I read and I paid nearly three euro to do so. Say if Paul Kimmage to use another example had a paywall of fifty cent to read his thoughts on the Tour de France, I would gladly pay it. To take it a step further if Shane Ross, David Mcwilliams, and Paul Kimmage had articles giving their opinion on a topic, I would pay to buy the online paper
I image what they will do is add more content to the site and make it more interesting and then after a while, put up a paywall.
Is it possible that Aldi and Lidl will take over tesco in the next number of years? Sounds like a mad idea, but if things continue as they are, why not.