Has there being a CPR here, or just a good guess by the company?
I think you can make hay while the sun shines, as I feel once the news of this begins to die down, so too will the share price. It really is a lottery at the moment, when can you get in and also get out quickly at a profit.
What do we make of this. Over four million shares traded on the Iseq and most in one go. [link]
Oil onto the market to keep the oil price high. I think the only thing that makes any sense is that America is putting pressure on Russia with a low Oil price.
I am wondering about these shale oil producers in the U.S. It really doesn't make any sense to be producing oil and just throwing it onto the market at any price. You would imagine that they would get together to release just
It will be. Should be up on the Providence site tomorrow. Hopefully we will see some household names to add some confidence. As far as I can remember Tony said that the farmout should be done in a couple of weeks, maybe a month. If that is the case we should hear something this week or next. It would be great really. We live in hope, and hopefully not die in despair.
A round of applause for Spuddy for a great update on the meeting. Almost as good as being there.
I really think that it is the oil price that is killing us here. We had got to get to a stable financial position in order to tie us over ontill the oil recovers, so even though we will be cutting our investments in half tomorrow, and the farmout may be a drip feed of money instead of a full cash up front offer, what choice have we? It is terrible but we just have to batten down the hatches ontill the oil price recovers, and that means long term investors that are willing to wait for things to recover. I mean the glut of oil at the moment is going to send companies into bankruptcy, and we will be one of them unless we get some cash.
Just a couple of minutes left to take up your share placement