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16:42 02/11/2015

Very interesting article and very hard to know what will happen. I saw on CNBC that Syria producing only about ten thousand barrels of oil a day, a very small player indeed. I suppose Putin would like to have influence in the region and aligning themselves with Iran is a good way of going about doing that. It is hard to know what will happen, but it will make the Oil Markets nervous .

14:12 02/11/2015

What are the chances of Putin allowing an attack on the Saudi Arabic Oil Fields?

16:46 28/10/2015

Blackrock were on 4.67 prior to today.

10:04 26/10/2015

There is some talk in the Irish Media that the two biggest parties in Irish Politics will form a coalition after the next general election in the spring of 2016. If that were the case, it would be the most stable government ever in Irish Politics.

14:02 24/10/2015

An interesting discussion on the new tax regime and offshore Ireland in general on Irish Radio today [link]

09:21 24/10/2015

Perhaps the tax increase could be seen in a light at suggests the government know there is going to be some actively in Irish offshore. Perhaps something was mentioned when the India Prime Minister made a quick visit to Ireland last month. Wishful thinking I know.

17:06 22/10/2015

Henderson were at 8.08 percent and now at 7.99 percent

16:56 21/10/2015

Lansdowne is also up twenty percent today.

13:38 13/10/2015

At the moment the entire upside is relying on getting a Farm out for Barryroe. Outside of that, they may be a little upside if the price of oil goes up.

08:30 05/10/2015

We have a new website. [link]
