Nunquam's Posts

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14:07 19/08/2014

Look on the bright side, cheaper to buy [.15p]. But I would not advise anyone to buy [0.13 if you are trying to sell and head for the door] .

13:54 18/08/2014

i wonder if anyone will ever get over 0.15p for sale.

16:25 16/08/2014

My question would be does the BD intend to pay regular yearly dividents.

20:50 13/08/2014

fairly dire share

18:44 13/08/2014

Yes the paint has dried. Perhaps this is where we move up.

18:43 13/08/2014

Desperate business.

16:55 08/08/2014

both my hands and my thumbs remaing down.

16:52 08/08/2014

Hands up those, other than the BOD, whose who have ever made a profit out of Sefton.

08:02 29/07/2014

Drawing a salary.

18:39 27/07/2014

I still have 100.000 FTO shares, down from 150.000. I think I am holding, but I am considering selling some.
