Nunquam's Posts

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19:32 30/10/2014

buy price may vary but sell price stays about 0.1 p, One could buy this company for 1 million pounds, but why would you want to.

23:57 15/10/2014

That is a huge amount of gold. say 40,000 US dollars a kg, do the maths.

16:20 15/10/2014

glum day all round

13:23 14/10/2014

More like yo yo than so lo

20:18 11/10/2014

not a lot happening hetre

20:08 11/10/2014

Mr Egypt, thanks, I hope you are right.

12:53 10/10/2014

my AIM oil and gold shares certainly bashed today

19:02 06/10/2014

was that buy at 30p significant?

05:17 05/10/2014

buy price varies a bit , sell price stays terribly low.

I have top sliced a bit.
