Nunquam's Posts

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11:08 16/01/2015

Jim and friends not good people

11:07 16/01/2015

well I expect my 500,000 shares are worth zero now

08:57 16/01/2015


05:52 16/01/2015

Will Swiss unpegging from euro push up gold price?

21:54 14/01/2015

yo yo share

21:51 14/01/2015

this was a good share to buy if you had a great need to lose money fast.

16:56 09/01/2015

big late sale

15:07 09/01/2015

same goes for the rest of the BOD.

15:07 09/01/2015

if JFJ would stop taking his salary then that would help the finances a lot.

23:26 05/01/2015

I think TW was saying that Sefton was run by crooks and is bust.
