Noddy's Posts

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16:04 17/11/2014

35.4p to buy 2K shares.

14:14 17/11/2014

Dummy buy more like.

14:13 17/11/2014

Surely this is a joke. £300K increase in offer and market cap up £2.3M.

14:10 17/11/2014

What miserable bastards. Bought on open at 0.87. Still only offered 0.8p to sell. Pathetic.

08:24 17/11/2014

Well I bought today if nobody else did. Great RNS and gold up big.

16:21 16/11/2014

Anyone else having trouble connecting to Barclays Stockbrokers website this afternoon? I can't connect at all. Thanks.

16:19 16/11/2014

Anyone else having trouble connecting to Barclays Stockbrokers website this afternoon? I can't connect at all. Thanks.

16:16 16/11/2014

Anyone else having trouble connecting to Barclays Stockbrokers website this afternoon? I can't connect at all. Thanks.

16:09 14/11/2014

This seems fairly low risk now, so a larger position size may be appropriate.

16:07 14/11/2014

That is a big move on silver, and gold. But no follow through in miners yet. I'm keeping watch though.
